Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Beauty of Satsuki Azalea Bonsai

Over time, I’ve developed an appreciation for what some classify as flowering bonsai.  Species such as Ume, Rhododendron and Malus are grown specifically to induce flowering and are primarily appreciated for the spectacle of their flowers.  Often, the branches are left unkept on these species to increase the number of flowers, which can often lead to an unsightly tree during the period in which it isn’t flowering.   

With its miniature leaves, tight growth habit and unusual bark color and texture, Satsuki Azalea can be enjoyed during all seasons.  The flowers on this Hakurei cultivar are primarily white w/ pink lines or speckles, but as you can see, a flower emerged within the last week that’s entirely pink.  Satsuki hybrids are known for producing multiple colored flowers on the same plant.

At the Shohin Convention in St. Louis last year, I was fortunate to sign up for a Satuski Azalea workshop with David Kreutz.  It was an inspiring session.  The NBS is in the planning process of hosting David for a workshop on Satsuki in Nebraska.  Please contact me for further details.  

Friday, May 21, 2010

Oak Creek hosts 1st Annual Bonsai Show

This all day event was well attended and there were some excellent specimens on display. Haider Kazem really inspired some interest in collecting native species for bonsai, as he displayed his American and Siberian/Russian Elms and an Eastern Red Cedar. Rick McConnell displayed some interesting caudiciforms and Ed caught all of our attention with his soil-less ‘Too Little’ figs, growing in only moss. Dave Fortune’s multi-trunk Trident Maple and Scott Luke’s Chinese Elm and Horsetail accent were certainly highlights.

Check out these photos of the event captured by Dana...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nebraska Bonsai Society May Meeting

The Nebraska Bonsai Society May meeting will be held on Thursday, May 20th at 7 p.m. It’s open to members and non-members. We have decided to alternate meeting sites monthly between Lincoln and Omaha for now. Since the Oak Creek bonsai show in Lincoln was held in lieu of our meeting, this month’s meeting is in Omaha at Zorinsky Lake Park. Please see below for details regarding the meeting site. We are still in the experimental phase of locating meeting sites, so we’ll see how this one goes. It appears to be a great site.

For those who will be traveling from Lincoln and care to arrange a car-pool, please let me know. I plan to leave Lincoln around 5:30. I realize that getting to the meetings may be somewhat of an inconvenience depending on your location, but I know you will find it worthy.

I hope to see you all there!

Informal discussion or meet/greet
Show & Tell
Discuss any news, events, etc. (Azalea Workshop)
Air Layering a Korean Hornbeam

Zorinsky Lake Park
3808 South 156th Street
Omaha, NE 68130
(402) 444-5900

We will plan to meet at shelter 4 (smaller one). If we are not there, check the other three which are all on the cul-de-sac.

Select this link to input your location for driving directions to Zorinsky: